Coheed And Cambria Konserleri

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Coheed And Cambria tarafından en çok çalınan 10 şarkı son 40 konserinde.

Şarkı Listesi Profili

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Bir Sonraki Konserin Çalma Listesini Dinleyin (her turne tarihinden sonra güncellenir):

Konser ne kadar sürecek?

Coheed And Cambria, yaklaşık olarak 1:14 süre sahnede olacak. İşte burada önceki konserlere dayanarak olası şarkı listesi (99% olasılıkla):

Şarkı İsmi
Satın Al
  1. In Keeping Secrets Of Silent Earth: 3 cover In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth: 3
  2. Good Apollo I'm Burning Star Iv Volume One: From Fear Through The Eyes Of Madness cover Ten Speed (Of God's Blood and Burial)
  3. Good Apollo I'm Burning Star Iv Volume One: From Fear Through The Eyes Of Madness cover The Willing Well I: Fuel for the Feeding End
  4. In Keeping Secrets Of Silent Earth: 3 cover Blood Red Summer
  5. In Keeping Secrets Of Silent Earth: 3 cover A Favor House Atlantic
  6. no cover Blind Side Sonny
  7. Vaxis Ii: A Window Of The Waking Mind cover Shoulders
  8. Vaxis Ii: A Window Of The Waking Mind cover The Liars Club
  9. In Keeping Secrets Of Silent Earth: 3 cover The Crowing
  10. Good Apollo I'm Burning Star Iv Volume One: From Fear Through The Eyes Of Madness cover Welcome Home

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Bunları da beğenebilirsin

benzer sanatçılar

  1. Elm Street Loverboy
  2. Run, Gunner Recall, Run! The Town Wants You Dead!
  3. Death Rattle
The Prize Fighter Inferno Photo

The Prize Fighter Inferno

  1. Go Get Your Gun
  2. Look Away
  3. Whisper
The Dear Hunter Photo

The Dear Hunter

  1. Seeds of Gold
  2. Sweet#hart
  3. Better Way
Closure in Moscow Photo

Closure in Moscow

  1. Mr. Invisible
  2. My Famed Disappearing Act
Thank You Scientist Photo

Thank You Scientist

  1. A Faint Illusion
  2. Knowing That You've Already Arrived
  3. Home
Tides of Man Photo

Tides of Man

  1. Dance Of The Manatee
  2. Musical Chairs
  3. Walls Of Jericho
Fair to Midland Photo

Fair to Midland

  1. The Difference Between Medicine And Poison Is In The Dose
  2. Get Out
  3. Act Appalled
Circa Survive Photo

Circa Survive

  1. Inertiatic Esp
  2. The Widow
  3. Roulette Dares (The Haunt Of)
The Mars Volta Photo

The Mars Volta

  1. Pet Names
  2. The Hound and the Fox
  3. Symphony of Skin
I the Mighty Photo

I the Mighty

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